Sunday, March 16, 2008

Passion Sunday

For Christians across the world, this is the start of a long and treacherous week that Jesus of Nazareth faces. He strolls on a mule into Jerusalem, and worshipped like a king. Its ironic how the course of our lives can change so much as did Jesus' in one week. I remember strolling into school in year 7, thinking these times would be the best of my life. Oh how wrong I could be. Oh how life seems to make a mockery of us as time ticks away. Time. The one entity that humans cannot control. We can control our belief in God. We can even predict the weather. But we cannot change time. The one thing most humans want to do is change time. Change an event that happened. "I wish I didn't do that now". I know one thing I would change. Ever coming to this fucking school. It has been mental blow after blow like a pack of wolves gnawing at your delicate and wounded skin. Why does Jesus' death have an end and my curse does not? This hex on me where everything seems to go wrong. I must be the laughing stock in heaven and the guinea pig in hell. I think Nadarajan put it very nicely in his msn nickname, "Heaven won't take me and hell's afraid I'll take over."


Saturday, March 15, 2008


The feeling of anxiety has started to creep in. Everyone but you seems to have started revision. With only six weeks or so left till the exams, the magnitude of what faces us has finally hit home. 12 fun exams to do this May/June. Orison Swett Marsden wrote:

"Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage by which you have maintained the struggle against the overwhelming odds"

I think that justly sums up everything that we face. Can we exceed in these exams? Well, 100 years ago man thought the earth was flat and that our galaxy was the universe. 50 years ago, DNA was discovered which opened up a whole new world of science. Only yesterday you learnt something new in your subjects. Mankind seems to have struggled for answers throughout our existence, and where finding the answers for these exams may seem an insignificant spec next to the whole of mankind, they all add up. Just remember that the only difference between genius and insanity is the success by which it can be measured.


Friday, March 14, 2008


Yeah, I know, how ironic that I am having a rant about bullshitting, considering that I do it all the time. Hypocrisy at its worst, ranting at its best. So swazza calls me to his office during lunch, and starts asking me about what happened. After everything that has happened, no apology has been made, and then people wonder why I am always so pissed off? He just warned me not to vent my frustrations out on the teachers and then proceeded in telling me I can talk to him about anything, during which he smirked. Like wtf? Winston Chruchill brings some form of justice to this, "War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can't smile, grin. If you can't grin, keep out of the way till you can". Maybe I''ll just bide my time for now. It feels like the school is trying to sweep this into the closet. Justice seems to carry away through the winds, just as I told Mary "I'm like a spec of dust drifiting threw the air against the prevailing winds, searching for my destination...". Why is it that the school always blames you? I mean, I if someone pissed you off, you would get angry wouldn't you - its just a natural reaction. So how they can dare to accuse me of being angry before the lesson, God only knows. Ha, now isn't that ironic. That's the sort of answer that Mr. Y would give. Maybe I did listen in his lessons. Maybe I did speak up for myself. Maybe I did do the right thing. Maybe justice will overcome this obstinacy and the transition will be complete.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Boring Physics trip

Are school trips ever really that much fun? Everything that I expected to happen, happened. We went there, got lost a little, heard some boring talks and fell asleep. Thanks, but no thanks. I'd rather have gone to school. There's a whole pile of work to do now. It's like a growing mass of paper and books that I have to complete. Why the fuck did we just go on this trip, randomly? The talks were so boring, you lost interest after five minutes. Some of the talks were outside, and as usual, it was freezing cold. Why the hell do I seem to have the worst luck. I think I have issues with the big guy upstairs. Come we take this outside? Oh wait, I forgot, he won that round, I froze to near death -.-. The one highlight of this trip was indeed the planetarium. We sat back in the most comfortable seats at an angle that made us look upward towards the ceiling which had projected images of space. It was surreal to be honest. Man, if only I could have a bed as comfortable as that. After that we had another talk and saw this pipe thing. Now when we saw it, we all wanted to know what the fuck it was lol. But then the guy proceeded in talking for 20 minutes, and by the end of this, standing there doing nothing, I still didn't have a clue what the pipe was. Like wtf? Why must we persevere in listening to these people. Why must we be forced into learning things we don't care about. Perhaps if people learnt things we enjoyed, then more people would pass in their exams. I mean, its common sense right? But when did common sense come into anything...


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Pissed Off

Sometimes you have to stand up for yourself, for who you are, where you come from and what you believe in.

Martin Luther King wrote, "The negro will only be truly free when he reaches down to the inner depths of his own being and signs with the pen and ink of assertive selfhood his own emancipation proclamation".

In General R.E, most people know I walked out of the lesson. Most of you are probably wondering why. Can such actions be justified? Yes, they can. In times of persecution by the Romans, Christians would still do what they believe in. If I believe in something, I will stand up for myself. I believed what Mr. Y did was wrong. He knows it, and I know it. When you start ridiculing my culture, my heritage and my skin colour, not only do you oppress my fellow countrymen but you oppress me. I did what I had to do. I only hope that you, the reader, would stand up for what you believe in. Maybe the world would be a better place for it.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Chemistry - Must of been high...

Revising. You often hear that its meant to be good for you. Looking on the surface, it does seem like a good idea. Yeah, I might revise to do well in my exams. Yeah, it may make me organised. Oh how I do like slating these stupid misconceptions. I spent a whole fricking hour revising for my Chemistry test. Five sides of notes. Every single area covered through my notes. So guess what happens when I walk into the exam? I cant answer a fucking question. Like wtf? Why bother revising, working your arse off, coz you don't have to do any of that and still fail. What a fucking piss take. Oh wow, I now know how bromine reacts with sulphuric acid. Wow, I'm really going to use this in my life. When I'm talking to a girl I'm gunna use that as a fucking chat up line aren't I? Coz I musta been high picking Chemistry...

Monday, March 10, 2008

Fuck the weather

Okay now I mean this when I say I hate the transport system. I WAKE UP EARLY. I LEAVE MY HOUSE EARLY. And guess what? I arrive in school at 8:50am. THANKS. Who would have thought a bit of rain would cripple the piccadilly line. God forbid what could happen if there was a hurricane. And the one day I'm late for assembly, it happens to be a decent assembly. Is there a fricking sign on my head saying "Bad luck idiot, better luck next time". As soon as we were in school the rain stopped. I mean, if its going to rain, at least let it rain when we are indoors. BUT NNNNOOO. Mother nature has other ideas. Cross God by not going to mass, and you get a lesson from mother nature. Then again, anything is better then sitting and listening to Mr. X's stupid assemblies on how crap we all are (Excuse me dick, thats my job poking fun at others, not yours) - but then wait, it was not a normal assembly. Great luck eh. Oh, did I forget to mention. Two tests tomorrow as well. Maybe if I went on a killing spree I could get into jail. Surely jail is better than this bullshit. Hey, at least I might fatten up!


Sunday, March 09, 2008

Schools up

Yay, another fun day at school after a long weekend at work. This relentlessness is unforgiving sometimes. Its funny how people say you always "get used to it". Yet everyday the first thing we seem to moan about in the morning is that we're tired. You'd think after six long years you would be used to it, but your not. Then, to make things worse, you get that dickhead Mr. X going on about how we are all doing shit. Okay, so it might be true for some of us. But when we are all feeling like shit, with shit in are eyes, shit for brains and near collapse, do we really need some fat old arrogant twit telling us how shit we are? He's had a pole shoved up his arse for 20 years. Can't one of the other teachers take it out and kick him on the street instead? WHY CAN'T YOU RETIRE FFS!

Anyway, as James Luis told me my blogs are too depressing and I did promise him I'd say something nice...

Keep dreaming...

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Work - Good or Bad? - Mainly Bad

Everyone said work would be good. Everyone said work would make lots of money. The sad truth is that this is purely a misconception.

Have you ever done the same boring thing repeatedly for 3 and a half hours? If you have then don't bother reading this paragraph. Scanning items during work is such a pain in the backside. Ironically Literally too. All I do is grab the item, scan it over the laser, pass it through. OVER AND OVER. I don't know what's worse. Watching Paint dry, or having to paint yourself? And then, to top it all off, a customer will go "Oh thats not 95p, its 85p, or whatever". Like please tell me wtf am I meant to do about that? Do you want me to physically get up and go to that isle and check for you. For the love of...Sometimes it just makes you want to stand up and walk out of the store. Then, you get some dickheads who start moaning about everything. So one guy taps so loudly on the till, sayin "Bags?!". Like wtf shut the hell up? You tell us kids to have manners, yet look at yourself muppet. That's why I don't want to end up rich. I may end up spoilt like him...When your tired, hungry and needing a shit, the last thing you want to hear is someone moaning at you. Well that's what my supervisor is like. Every small mistake I make, hes there. Hes like a predator, picking out easy pray, waiting for the big kill. So there's this automatic vacuum thing, where you put bags of money in which go to head office. So theres a red light/green light on at same time, so I am like wtf. I open the cover and nothing happens. He comes storming by, "Your not meant to open the cover on red light!". "If you break it you'lll get caught". - Like FUCK OFF, I was not trying to steal the money. Its not my fault the stupid machine broke.


Why is it that we always feel tired when going to school, during school and after school? All the coffee in the world does not seem to help. Why Can't we have more relaxed school hours...

Anyhow, School was okay today. What on earth we did in any of my lessons, I have no idea. I do remember being utterly pissed off that the philosophers get to wear the own clothes and we are not allowed to wear our own clothes to our physics trip - when we don't even go to school! Like wtf? Richard Cole put that nicely, "They are scared what the Physics people will wear" - Piss take 1

During Break - Trying to do my maths homework in five minutes. Why has Mr Eynaud started giving us really long homework's? Have we really been that bad? I doubt that very much. Okay, so a few people were messing about, but don't we always mess about a little? And come on, it wasn't like we were throwing stuff across the floor...Maybe the good times are fading. Will Mr Eynaud change his ways or will he make our lessons hell? - Piss Take 2
