Saturday, March 08, 2008

Work - Good or Bad? - Mainly Bad

Everyone said work would be good. Everyone said work would make lots of money. The sad truth is that this is purely a misconception.

Have you ever done the same boring thing repeatedly for 3 and a half hours? If you have then don't bother reading this paragraph. Scanning items during work is such a pain in the backside. Ironically Literally too. All I do is grab the item, scan it over the laser, pass it through. OVER AND OVER. I don't know what's worse. Watching Paint dry, or having to paint yourself? And then, to top it all off, a customer will go "Oh thats not 95p, its 85p, or whatever". Like please tell me wtf am I meant to do about that? Do you want me to physically get up and go to that isle and check for you. For the love of...Sometimes it just makes you want to stand up and walk out of the store. Then, you get some dickheads who start moaning about everything. So one guy taps so loudly on the till, sayin "Bags?!". Like wtf shut the hell up? You tell us kids to have manners, yet look at yourself muppet. That's why I don't want to end up rich. I may end up spoilt like him...When your tired, hungry and needing a shit, the last thing you want to hear is someone moaning at you. Well that's what my supervisor is like. Every small mistake I make, hes there. Hes like a predator, picking out easy pray, waiting for the big kill. So there's this automatic vacuum thing, where you put bags of money in which go to head office. So theres a red light/green light on at same time, so I am like wtf. I open the cover and nothing happens. He comes storming by, "Your not meant to open the cover on red light!". "If you break it you'lll get caught". - Like FUCK OFF, I was not trying to steal the money. Its not my fault the stupid machine broke.

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