Saturday, March 15, 2008


The feeling of anxiety has started to creep in. Everyone but you seems to have started revision. With only six weeks or so left till the exams, the magnitude of what faces us has finally hit home. 12 fun exams to do this May/June. Orison Swett Marsden wrote:

"Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage by which you have maintained the struggle against the overwhelming odds"

I think that justly sums up everything that we face. Can we exceed in these exams? Well, 100 years ago man thought the earth was flat and that our galaxy was the universe. 50 years ago, DNA was discovered which opened up a whole new world of science. Only yesterday you learnt something new in your subjects. Mankind seems to have struggled for answers throughout our existence, and where finding the answers for these exams may seem an insignificant spec next to the whole of mankind, they all add up. Just remember that the only difference between genius and insanity is the success by which it can be measured.


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