Thursday, March 13, 2008

Boring Physics trip

Are school trips ever really that much fun? Everything that I expected to happen, happened. We went there, got lost a little, heard some boring talks and fell asleep. Thanks, but no thanks. I'd rather have gone to school. There's a whole pile of work to do now. It's like a growing mass of paper and books that I have to complete. Why the fuck did we just go on this trip, randomly? The talks were so boring, you lost interest after five minutes. Some of the talks were outside, and as usual, it was freezing cold. Why the hell do I seem to have the worst luck. I think I have issues with the big guy upstairs. Come we take this outside? Oh wait, I forgot, he won that round, I froze to near death -.-. The one highlight of this trip was indeed the planetarium. We sat back in the most comfortable seats at an angle that made us look upward towards the ceiling which had projected images of space. It was surreal to be honest. Man, if only I could have a bed as comfortable as that. After that we had another talk and saw this pipe thing. Now when we saw it, we all wanted to know what the fuck it was lol. But then the guy proceeded in talking for 20 minutes, and by the end of this, standing there doing nothing, I still didn't have a clue what the pipe was. Like wtf? Why must we persevere in listening to these people. Why must we be forced into learning things we don't care about. Perhaps if people learnt things we enjoyed, then more people would pass in their exams. I mean, its common sense right? But when did common sense come into anything...


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